One Group Is Forcing A Baseball Team To Change Its “Disgusting” Name

A Georgia summer collegiate baseball team has been asked to change its official name from the Macon Bacon to something less offensive to non-meat eaters and those who subscribe to plant-based diets. Nevertheless, the Georgia residents who attend Macon Bacon baseball games love their pork products and do not want to remove ties to almost everyone’s favorite part of the pig – the bacon.

In a move to get the Macon Bacon to change their baseball team name to something less offensive to vegans and vegetarians, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine wrote a letter to the baseball team urging them to consider an official name change. According to a report published by WMAZ-TV, the physician’s group has also taken a more public approach by buying space on a billboard imploring fans of Macon Bacon to “keep bacon off your plate” as processed meats raise a person’s risk of developing some forms of cancer.

Anna Herby, who works as the group’s nutrition education program manager, wrote the letter to the baseball team’s president, informing them that they needed to change their name to something that does not promote eating meat products that put people at risk of developing some types of dangerous cancers.

“Macon Bacon’s glorification of bacon, a processed meat that raises the risk of colorectal cancer and other diseases, sends the wrong message to fans,” Anna Herby wrote in the letter.

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