I’m Eating a Burger Next to a Vegetarian Lady on a Flight and She Keeps Complaining About It

Airplane flights are democratic: anyone can get them. But in today’s story, a culinary clash in the middle of the sky was the main protagonist. Inevitable complaints and a question: was he wrong for eating a burger next to a vegetarian person? Let’s find out. He explained the situation. This is happening right now, and the lady sitting next to me is glaring daggers at me while making passive-aggressive comments under her breath. I have an 8-hour flight with a short connection.

The 1st flight only served a small cracker pack, and the 2nd will be the same. During the connection, I only had barely enough time to run from one end of the airport to the other. Once I got to my connecting gate, I found out I had enough time to order food but not eat it. I checked with the gate agent to see if I could bring food on board, and she happily reassured me that I could. I went and got a burger, fries, and a drink.When I was allowed to put the tray down, I did and started to eat. This is when the lady sitting next to me told me she doesn’t eat meat or fried foods and the smell of my burger and fries is making her sick. At first, I ignored her and kept on eating, but she complained louder. I finally told her I bought the food after checking with the gate agent, and I’m hungry, so she’s out of luck. She called the flight attendant and was told that I was well within my rights to eat food that was bought at the airport. I know I’m right when it comes to the airline rules, but the food is pungent in an enclosed area, and she’s still glaring at me, so am I wrong?

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