He was once the most famous rock star in the world, but now, hardly anyone remembers who he is…

Sir Paul McCartney, the legendary singer who gained fame as a member of The Beatles, was recently spotted sporting a man bun while vacationing with his wife, Nancy Shevell, in St. Barts. Despite the global travel restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic, the 78-year-old musician seemed to be thoroughly enjoying his annual Caribbean getaway. Even as he approaches his 80th birthday, McCartney continues to show his youthful spirit by trying out new hairstyles. His wife, Nancy, looked chic in a pink top, a brown fedora, and oversized sunglasses.

Throughout his career, McCartney and his fellow Beatles have been known for their distinctive hairstyles. McCartney, in particular, has had long hair for much of his life. His recent adoption of the man bun style is a testament to his ongoing willingness to experiment with his look. In 2018, McCartney made headlines when he stopped dyeing his hair and embraced his natural gray color, marking a significant change from his long-standing red hair.

McCartney’s holiday season was quite busy, including his trip to St. Barts and the release of his new album, “McCartney III,” which he wrote and recorded during the lockdown. In a promotional interview with actor Idris Elba, McCartney explained that he didn’t set out to make an album during the lockdown; it just happened naturally. “Everyone cleaned out their closets and accomplished all they had planned to do. Making an album was like that for me,” he said. “I had no intention of making an album. So I had ten tunes and wondered, ‘What am I going to do with them?’ I had no idea I was making an album, so I only recorded ten tracks.”

Regarding the album’s title, McCartney explained to Elba that the name “McCartney III” was a natural choice, given the solo nature of the project and its continuity with his previous solo albums, “McCartney I” and “McCartney II.” “I realized, since I played McCartney I and McCartney II myself, that I had done them in the same style, so this would be McCartney III. So then I thought, ‘Okay, now I know what I’m doing.’”

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