“Clashing Laundry Habits: A Battle with My Mother-in-Law”

I wash my underwear with other clothes, like jeans and socks. I sincerely can’t understand people who claim that underwear should be washed separately. I wash everything in hot water with detergent, and it always seems fine to me. One day, my mother-in-law was visiting and saw me doing laundry. She watched for a moment, then groaned loudly and said, “You’re doing it all wrong!” I was taken aback but didn’t say anything. I thought maybe she just had her own way of doing things. I left the laundry room, trying to shake off her comment. Fifteen minutes later, I returned to the bathroom to find her standing over the washing machine. She had stopped the washer, taken out my husband’s underwear, and put mine back in before restarting it.

I was furious. “What are you doing?” I asked, trying to keep my voice calm. She looked at me with a smug expression. “Underwear should be washed separately,” she said. “Especially men’s and women’s. It’s cleaner this way.”I couldn’t believe it. “But I’ve been doing it this way for years and it’s always been fine,” I protested. She shook her head. “It’s not about what’s fine. It’s about what’s right.” The conflict between us grew from that moment. Every time she visited, she would check my laundry habits and criticize me if I didn’t follow her rules. It felt like a constant battle, and it started to strain my relationship with my husband too. He felt caught in the middle, not wanting to upset either of us. Eventually, I decided to stand my ground. “I appreciate your help, but this is my home and my laundry,” I told her firmly. “I will do it my way.” She huffed and puffed, but finally, she backed off. The tension didn’t disappear overnight, but we slowly found a way to coexist. I realized that sometimes, it’s not just about laundry – it’s about standing up for yourself and finding a balance in family relationships.

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