Veronica Merritt, a 45-year-old single mother from New York, shares her courageous journey of providing for her large family of 12. Despite facing judgment and criticism, Veronica’s dedication to her children and determination to make ends meet shine through.
Veronica openly reveals that the increasing cost of living has forced her to rely on food stamps to feed her family. With a food bill amounting to a staggering $24,000 per year, Veronica has turned to affordable staple foods like macaroni, hot dogs, and ramen noodles. Though facing financial scrutiny, Veronica firmly believes that her greatest blessing lies within her children.
Shedding Light on Difficulties through TikTok
As a content creator on TikTok, Veronica uses her platform to shed light on the challenges she encounters as a single mother of 12. While her family receives $1,400 in food stamps each month, it falls short of covering their food expenses. Previously, Veronica managed to provide for her family on just $500 a month. However, due to the current circumstances, she estimates needing $2,000 to $3,000 monthly to provide basic meals.