My Stepmother Stated She Wants to Take My Baby, I Am Shocked with the Real Reason

A 29-year-old woman turned to Reddit, pouring out her heart in a desperate post. Her stepmother has decided she can simply take the woman’s baby daughter away, slowly turning her life into a nightmare. She started her story telling about the tough family relations.A woman recently shared her complicated story in a Reddit community. She started with some background to better understand further circumstances, ” I’m 29, English, and I live in Italy with my fiancé Marco, 37, Italian, and our daughter, 5 months old, Willow. I moved to Italy after graduating medical school, where I met Marco, and now I’m a resident in one of the hospitals.

My father left my mum and me, and has been very inconsistent. He married Tammy when I was young, and she has never liked me. She was also never able to have kids. So when I gave birth my mum’s side of the family came over to visit and meet Willow and look after both of us. Nothing from my dad or Tammy.” The stepmother made a shocking revelation when she finally came to visit.“So two weeks ago they turn up unannounced claiming to be ‘in the area on holiday’ and wanted to meet Willow.


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