Prom Night Becomes a Style Spectacle: Teen’s Bold Ballgown Ignites Online Debate

Prom night has always been a memorable event for high school students, but one teenager’s fashion choice has taken the internet by storm. Korben White, a confident and expressive 16-year-old, turned heads with his dazzling ballgown, causing a divide in opinions.

Some praised his stunning outfit, while others expressed disapproval, labeling it as vile. Let’s dive into this story and explore the impact of Korben’s fashion statement!
Korben’s fashion journey began when he shared his desire to attend his school prom in a gown with his mother, Nina Green, at the tender age of 12. Fast forward four years, and his dream became a reality.
With scarlet-colored hair and a captivating red ballgown paired with a sequin-spangled tuxedo top, Korben exuded confidence and style. Inspired by the iconic Billy Porter, he aimed to stay true to himself while showcasing his feminine side.

Archbishop Sancroft High School in Harleston, Norfolk, erupted with cheers as Korben stepped out of the car in his incredible ensemble. The support he received from his fellow students and teachers was overwhelming.

His proud mother, moved to tears, described the scene as a beautiful moment of acceptance and celebration. “If you let your child be who they are, then you’ll get nothing but the best out of them,” she emphasized.

Green’s tweet showcasing her son’s prom attire caught the attention of millions, including Michelle Visage, a judge on RuPaul’s Drag Race. The influential Visage commended Nina for being an amazing and supportive mother, highlighting Korben’s star quality. The validation from such a well-known personality left Korben feeling incredibly surreal yet inspired.

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