I Caught My Husband with His Lover in Our Bedroom, but Instead of Publicly Exposing Them, I Devised a Brilliant Plan

I thought my husband was being a loving partner when he booked me into a resort. Only to discover it was done to allow him to be free to do whatever he wanted. My rollercoaster of a story sees me getting deeply hurt by my husband’s lies and deceit. However, it ultimately ends in divorce.I never thought I’d be in this position at 32, watching my world unravel in the quiet chaos of our bedroom. Let me backtrack a bit. My husband, Jason, 34, and I had been married for four years, weaving dreams and building a life together.

One of our life goals was to become parents, and we’ve been trying to have a baby, sadly with no luck. Two weeks ago, he surprised me by saying, “Baby, I’ve booked you into a spa resort for four days!” He explained it was to allow me to have some “stress relief.””What!? Seriously, babe?” I asked as he nodded and I jumped into his arms for a warm and grateful hug. “It might help with your fertility issues to get some downtime.” I was over the moon with excitement and peace for the first few days! I enjoyed all the perks that the resort had to offer. My man hadn’t spared any money to get me the full treatment. But, soon enough I started missing him terribly and thought: “Why not go home early and surprise him for a change?”

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