This Woman’s Husband

A woman was at home when she heard a knock on her door. She opened it and saw a man standing there. He asked, “Do you have a vagina?” Shocked and disgusted, she slammed the door.

The next morning, the same man knocked again and asked the same question. She slammed the door once more. When her husband came home that evening, she told him what had happened.

Concerned, the husband said, “Honey, I’ll take the day off tomorrow and stay home in case he comes back.”

The next morning, they heard a knock. Both rushed to the door. The husband whispered, “I’ll hide behind the door and listen. If it’s the same guy, answer yes to his question. I want to see where this is going.” She nodded and opened the door. The same man was there and asked, “Do you have a vagina?”

“Yes, I do,” she replied.

The man then said, “Good. Can you tell your husband to leave my wife’s alone and start using yours?”

Shocked, the couple stood there in silence as the man walked away. The husband realized the situation and assured his wife that he would handle it. From that day on, they took steps to ensure their privacy and avoided any further encounters with the strange man.

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